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 Funerals are always an emotional time. We work with you to create a beautiful memory.


What can happen on the day?


  • Piping  the guests on arrival to the ceremony

  • Piping the family into the ceremony

  • Piping the casket into and out of the ceremony

  • Piping during ceremony

  • Piping the hearse away from the ceremony

  • Piping as guests depart


PRICE - $350


Note: Travel fee may apply for areas outside Brisbane.


What can happen on the day?


  • Piping the procession to the graveside

  • Piping the casket to the graveside

  • Piping during the ceremony

  • Piping as the casket is lowered

  • Piping as guests depart



PRICE (with ceremony) - $100

PRICE (without ceremony) - $350

Note: Travel fee may apply for areas outside Brisbane

Brisbane Bagpiper, Weddings, Funerals, Events, Bagpipes, Brisbane, Music
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